Treating gum recession in Fredericksburg, VA


Treating gum recession in Fredericksburg, VA

soft tissue grafting


At Synergy Periodontics & Implants, our experienced and highly trained periodontists offer soft tissue grafting for patients in Fredericksburg who have gum recession and require gum tissue to maintain the health and function of their teeth. Soft tissue grafting is necessary to protect the exposed root of a tooth and can improve the appearance of your smile.

In a healthy mouth, gum tissue is pink and fits snugly up to the crown of your teeth to help hold them in place. Gum tissue is important because it acts as a barrier to protect the tooth root and keeps disease-causing bacteria out of the periodontium. Strong healthy gums help hold your teeth in place. Gum recession is the gradual wearing away or pulling back of the gum tissue exposing the root of the tooth or teeth.


  • Periodontal disease – if you have an untreated gum infection, it can begin to break down the gum tissue and supporting bone that hold your teeth in place
  • Vigorous tooth brushing – Vigorous tooth brushing with a rigid, or hard-bristled, toothbrush over time will wear the gum tissue away from the teeth and begin to expose the roots
  • Inadequate dental care – if you have not received regular dental care over a period of time or do not brush or floss daily, you have an increased risk of receding gums. Routine dental visits every six months as well as excellent oral hygiene care at home are essential to help prevent gum disease and recession
  • Tobacco products – smoking or chewing tobacco increases the prevalence of sticky plaque in your mouth, which turns into tartar. The hardened plaque build-up harbors bacteria and can cause the gums to recede
  • Grinding or clenching teeth while sleeping – grinding or clenching teeth during sleep places excess force on teeth, which can cause receding gums
  • Tooth injury or trauma – if you have sustained an injury to the mouth that involves a tooth or teeth, it can cause the gums to recede. Also, ill-fitting dentures can wear away gum tissue over time. It is important to seek treatment after an injury to the teeth so that you can have the best possible outcome during the healing process
  • Genetics – When we take your dental health history, we always want to know if you have family members with periodontal problems. Early detection of this problem can lead to better monitoring and management of the disease progression.
  • Orthodontic Therapy – During orthodontic treatment, excess forces are being placed on the teeth and therefore the connective tissues of the gums and bone as the teeth begin to move during treatment. Good oral hygiene habits are during orthodontic therapy are extremely important and can help minimize bacteria and plaque that collects around the brackets and wires.
  • Thin Gums – Having thin gum tissue is usually an inherited trait and thin gums are more susceptible to recession than thick gum tissue. Aggressive tooth brushing can also wear away at gum tissue over time.


 Treating gum recession in Fredericksburg

Modern periodontics boasts new techniques and technologies in the treatment of gum recession. At Synergy Periodontics and Implants, we understand every case is unique. We aim to offer the best treatment options for the specific needs of the patient that will work with the most predictability.

Today we have developed great techniques and technologies to treat gum recession. Unlike in the past, we don’t always have to use the patient’s own tissue to cover gum recession. Now there are additional options such as using special collagen matrix . These products are predictable and perfectly safe! They do not contain any living cells and are sterile. In periodontics, these products have proven to be a great alternative to using the patient’s own tissue! Every case is different and we aim to perform the tissue coverage with the best option that will predictably work!

treatment for gum recession synergy periodontics and implantsbest treatment for gum recession synergy periodontics
best treatment for gum recession synergy periodonticsgum recession treatment fredericksburg va


At Synergy Periodontics & Implants, our top priority is providing superior patient care while ensuring patients are as comfortable as possible during treatments and procedures. We will evaluate your overall oral health while focusing on the health of your gums as well as the soft and hard structures that support your teeth. If it is determined that your gum recession can be successfully treated with soft tissue grafting, we will thoroughly explain the details of the procedure and offer after-care or postoperative care instructions to ensure that your recovery is smooth and the procedure is successful.

There are many options when treating gum recession with soft tissue grafting techniques. We recognize that every case is different and we aim to perform the procedure using the best treatment option for the individual patient with the most predictable outcome!

You will receive local anesthetic for soft tissue grafting treatment and if needed, we offer a variety of sedation options to help maximize patient comfort during procedures. You will be able to go home after your treatment and recover at home following the instructions provided.

We look forward to working with you to improve your oral health and help you maintain the aesthetics and function of your teeth and smile.


In addition to expertly placing dental implants, periodontists specialize in diagnosing and treating periodontal disease as well as restoring lost gum
tissue. One of the greatest benefits of soft tissue grafting is having a stronger, more secure foundation for the teeth.

Some additional benefits of soft tissue grafting treatment include:

  • Improved Aesthetics – as gums recede, the teeth can appear long and cause the smile to look “toothy”. Soft tissue grafting covers the exposed root portion of teeth and can restore a symmetrical and more youthful appearance to your smile.

  • Increased Comfort – you may be experiencing an increase in tooth sensitivity especially when drinking or eating hot or cold liquids and foods. Sometimes tooth sensitivity can cause such discomfort that you avoid certain foods or drinks altogether. Tooth sensitivity is often the first and most common symptom of gum recession. Soft tissue grafting treatment provides protection and coverage of exposed tooth roots. Once you heal from a soft tissue graft, you are likely to experience decreased tooth sensitivity and more comfort when eating and drinking hot or cold foods and beverages.

  • Better Oral Health – addressing gum recession and treating the cause of gum recession will have a positive impact on your oral health. Soft tissue grafts to cover exposed roots and provide an ample protective barrier around teeth will help you be able to keep your natural teeth and slow the progression of periodontal disease.

Synergy Periodontics & Implants is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care using advanced minimally invasive periodontal techniques to ensure predictable and successful treatment outcomes. Whether you are experiencing mild to moderate gum recession or have tooth loss due to advanced periodontal disease, we are here to provide you with excellent care and support from diagnosis through treatment. If you have any questions about soft tissue grafting or would like to learn more about how this treatment can improve your oral health call Synergy Periodontics & Implants today at 540-373-3066. We look forward to partnering with you in helping you to achieve the best oral health possible.